Monday, March 22, 2010

Thinking on our daily bread...a.k.a. Food for Thought

Food for Thought....

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. ~Romans 1:18,19~

Okay, so this is awesome to me. What I gather from this is the wrath of God comes down on all unrighteousness (okay we already know that) but it says of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness (interesting way to look at it I think). We suppress the truth in our unrighteousness. Addicted...just suppressing the truth. Liar...just suppressing the truth. Fearful...just suppressing the truth. Thief, murderer, rapist, homosexual, glutton, gossiper...the list goes on and on the bible says we invent new ways of doing evil, so let's just stop there.

My point here is all of it starts with the suppression of truth. What's the truth? God is my source, He will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory, He said fear not nor be dismayed, I am with you always even unto the ends of the earth. He said I should make my body subject to Him and me, my body is the temple, it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me, seek first the kingdom of God, fast, pray, be righteous, humble yourself seek My face, turn from wicked ways, if something causes you to sin, cut it out of your life...LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR!!!! That is how we are to be known, how we are supposed to stand out. Not because we look nice on Sunday mornings, not because we wear a wwjd bracelet or have a stinking fish on our's by our love!!!!!!!!!! That's the truth, everything can be summed up in Love. I f you don't know what to do in a situation...if you're lost or confused or don't know what to do next...that answer is probably Love! If it's not a person you should be loving on at that moment than it's God, turn your eyes to the Savior, the Lamb that was slain, and love on Him. Praise Him with your lips, and love on Him!! And if you don't have that in you, or of it seems funny or weird...tell Him so. Ask, Him to make it real.

Lord, You alone are God. You alone are good! There is no other God, no other Rock! You made the heavens and the Earth and You hold them in place. Lord, we come to seek Your face, to receive Your wisdom and grace, and to be taught to be more like You. Lord let us love You more. It is only by Your grace we are able to do it at all, and when it doesn't "feel" right remind us everything we do shall be by faith. We praise You the God we can't see by faith. We offer the praises of our lips(something that seems like nothing to us) to bless Your name by faith that it please You. God we believe in Your word, we believe in Your Son, we long for Your return, and Lord we pray that we would not suppress the truth anymore, but we would live a life of truth, in the light. And that when people see us they would know Who's we are because of our love.
In Jesus Name, Amen
