Monday, November 2, 2009

Know your enemy 101

Well, as I sat in my fear tonight over the creeking mailbox, and barking dogs, and after of course I looked out the window or the peephole around ten times and after I got the kids to sleep, I decided maybe it was time to go ahead and see what the word said about fear.
And as I sat down I thought, how much do I really know about my enemy? I mean what do I really know? Yes, yes, we all know he is a liar and there is no truth in him. We all know he is defeated... a murderer. And even though I know all those things I thought I better go ahead and look them up again..... look something up at least about who he is. That I should know my enemy, if I am to be victorious over him.
So, this is where the Holy Spirit took me.

-II Corinthians 2:11- order that satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.

Outwit: To surpass in cleverness or cunning; outsmart.
To surpass intelligence.

(This is where it gets good. )

-Hosea 4:6- My people perish from lack of knowledge.

Knowledge: The state or fact of knowing.

And Mindi's (a teacher of mine) words are playing through my head.
Read the word, speak the word, until you know that you know that you know that you know.

Lord, sweet, sweet Father, Master and Savior, help me I need You!! I need Your strength to come be made perfect in my weakness right now. I know I can only be one or the other. I cannot trust You and fear at the same time. I cannot say I believe You and fear at the same time. I cannot really understand Your love while I fear, because Your perfect love casts out all fear.
I don't know much Lord, I will admit that. I am flawed and unfaithful to You most of the time, but here I am Lord. I seek Your face. You are where I turn.. here, now in my time of need. I look to You Father, because I know my only safe place, is You. Oh Father, heavenly gracious, righteous and true, I need You!! Will You come, and hold me tight, tell me great and unsearchable things that I do not know, for my deep calls out for Yours!! You are great, always abounding in mercy, and I fall before Your feet, desperate and weary. I love You. I seek You, for I know You will lift my head. I love You, I love You, I love You. In Jesus' precious and holy blood stained Name, Amen.